Jaguar Energy Drink Package Artwork Design

In this Artwork, I draw Jaguar's pattern in the background as a skin and design Jaguar shape in the logo.

Jaguar Energy Drink Package Design

The project is a college project. Designed for Energy drink Called Jaguar. The name of the brand inspired from it's speed.

Jaguar Energy Drink Package Design

The project is a college project. Designed for Energy drink Called Jaguar. The name of the brand inspired from it's speed.

Jaguar Energy Drink Package Design

The project is a college project. Designed for Energy drink Called Jaguar. The name of the brand inspired from it's speed.

Zebra Gaming Headset Package Artwork Design

Zebra Gaming Headset Package Artwork Design. The project is a college project. Designed Logo and Artwork. Software Used: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Zebra Gaming Headset Package Design

Zebra Gaming Headset Package Design. The project is a college project. Designed the Artwork and modeling 3D Package.
Software Used: 3D Autodesk Maya

Harrisa Sauce Label Design

It's a vintage label designed in 3 different flavor for a Mediterranean sauce called "HARRISA" It's a collage project.
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Harrisa Sauce Package Design

The bottles and sauce modeling in 3d maya using and a glass material
Software used: Adobe Photoshop and 3D Maya Autodesk

Chocolate Box Packaging Artwork Design

The artwork designed for chocolate box called " GIZA" it's Egyptian brand. I used a sphinx as chocolate as Egyptian symbol. College project
Software Used: Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

Chocolate Box Packaging Design

The package modeling in 3d Maya. The background designed from the name of brand "Giza" in Hieroglyphic language
Software Used: 3D Maya Autodesk and Adobe Photoshop